Decidim Fest 2021 :: Democracy, Technology and Global Justice | 20, 21 and 22 October - Join our call

DecidimFest is an intense 3-day program of activities devoted to the Decidim project, participatory democracy and open source tools for collective intelligence in the era of Global Democracy.


Metadecidim, our community

A democratic community that manages the Decidim project in all its dimensions

Metadecidim is a community that collaborates in the design of the platform and the construction of the project. Together we can design and develop new features and report bugs for continuous improvement of the platform.

Get started

Collaborative design of functionalities


New proposal

Functional description

Validated proposal

Technical and technopolitical validation

Planned proposal

Resources for development (shared or not)



Technical description

Pull request

Developed code


Funcionality done

Avaliable on the next version

Propose new features

To design and develop Decidim among all

You can create debates about the future of Decidim or propose new features or improvements. Proposals can receive endorsements and comments, to show, for example, the interest they arouse in the community and value their development. Proposals that have a sponsor (such as a city council or any other entity), responsible for seeking and providing the necessary resources to carry out their development, will be useful for the project.

Enter and participate now

Report a bug

Collaboration for progressive improvement

Each new release of Decidim incorporates new features and usability improvements, but not everything works at first and errors may appear. Here you can report bugs you find and help the developers to fix them quickly.

Enter and participate now
Decidim Community Photo at Metadecidim Meeting 2016